Conduent VeriSight Identity Validation and Verification Solutions


Before the pandemic, fraud was a challenge for government programs; since then, the challenge has escalated into a crisis.

Fighting fraud requires a multifaceted approach to make sure much-needed benefits aren’t diverted away from the people who need them. Conduent has the expertise and experience to apply both proactive and analytics-based tools, because fraud patterns are sometimes only apparent. once they’re in progress, but the best way to fight fraud is to stop it before it starts.

Conduent CXNow - Customer Experience as a Service (CXaaS)

Public programs that can benefit from Conduent’s VeriSight solutions include:

  • Unemployment Insurance (UI)
  • Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)
  • Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) / Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT)
  • Women, Infants and Children (WIC) EBT
  • State Supplemental Insurance
  • Child Support
  • Department of Revenue programs
  • Other constituent benefit programs
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