Maven Elevated Lead/Heavy Metals Management

Maven’s Elevated Lead/Heavy Metals Management System enhances data collection, tracking and reporting of lead, radon and corresponding environmental surveillance issues.

State and local health departments across the US face the challenge of delivering a more cohesive approach to monitoring environmental hazards. Simultaneously, these entities remain focused on local needs and protecting community health and safety in the interest of environmental equity. Meeting these competing demands in the face of tight budgets and overburdened staff requires a powerful and cost-effective software application.

Maven offers health department staff members a common set of data elements and reduces time and staff burden by integrating with and across multiple data systems to yield comprehensive, data-driven answers. Integration means the data elements are consistent, thereby capacitating comprehensive reporting for both individuals and households. Maven’s reporting and electronic workflows are used to measure program impact, gauge the effectiveness of interventions and ensure cases are adequately addressed.

Maven is configured to monitor environmental conditions affecting individuals and households, and it is a holistic evaluation tool for delivering effective Healthy Homes program services.