Workforce Enablement:
Best Practices of High-Performing Companies

2020 has disrupted countless business operations, including workforce enablement. From the explosion of digital technologies during the wake of a global pandemic to the continued expansion of a gig economy, business is moving at rapid pace. How can organizations efficiently and effectively give their workers the skills and knowledge they need to perform their jobs successfully amid the chaos? The most successful companies are creating an ecosystem of organization-wide support to enable their workforce at their moment of need, in the flow of work. How is your business measuring up against the competition?
In this on-demand webinar, Debbie Gower, Conduent Human Resources and Learning Solutions Director, and Bob Mosher CEO at APPLY Synergies, discuss drivers and enablers to increase productivity and minimize work disruption, including:
- Supporting a workforce enablement ecosystem of formal learning and performance support
- Meeting learning needs in the flow of work
- Research and insights around what high-performing companies are doing right