On Demand
Legislation Unleashed:
Electronic Disclosure Option for Retirement Plans

Our team of experts will review DOL’s Safe Harbor Regulation for Retirement Plan Electronic Disclosures– and will discuss the how this new rule creates a new, voluntary, safe harbor for electronically providing retirement plan disclosures required under ERISA.
DOL anticipates implementation of the Rule will reduce plan costs for fulfillment, by an estimated $3.2 billion over the next decade, while making disclosures more readily accessible and useful to plan participants.
Key Discussion Topics will include:
- An overview of the new safe harbor for furnishing certain retirement plan-related documents electronically.
- Practical tips for employers and plan administrators in navigating the new safe harbor.
- Detail about what is and is not allowed under the regulation.
- John Larson, Wealth Offering Leader
- Rachel Kugelmass, Center of Excellence Leader, Defined Contribution
- Don Saccente, Center of Excellence Leader, Defined Benefits