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MESC 2024 Annual Conference

August 12-15, 2024 | Louisville, KY | Booth 543

Meet with us
Medicaid Enterprise Systems Conference (MESC)

Conduent is excited to attend MESC 2024. Come explore innovative solutions for mission-critical administration, including tools to cut costs, streamline operations, boost program participation and ensure compliance.

Discover solutions for:

  • Government healthcare
  • Medicaid administration
  • Medicaid pharmacy management
  • Disease surveillance and outbreak management
  • Eligibility and enrollment solutions
  • CXNow cloud contact center solution

Join our session, A blueprint to empowering customers and reducing fraud with Medicaid and Human Services self-service, to discover the latest in integrated eligibility and enrollment with BenePath® Self-service Portal in the State of Mississippi.


Josephine Sempere
Senior Account Manager Eligibility and State and Federal Solutions
Conduent, Inc.

Prakash Ramamarthy
Application Development Consultant
Conduent, Inc.

Date/Time: Tuesday, August 13 at 1:00 PM
Location: Ballroom B

Don’t miss this session moderated by Todd Marker, Senior Sales & Business Development Executive, Conduent, Inc.

The Casa that Medicaid Built


Shanita Harrison
New Mexico

Date/Time: Wednesday, August 14 at 4:15 PM
Location: Ballroom A