Ethics and Compliance Program

The Conduent Ethics and Compliance Program is an integral part of our daily business operations and practices. Conducting business with the highest degree of ethical integrity is the job of every associate at Conduent. To facilitate this commitment to integrity we have:
- A global, written code of business conduct
- A supplemental code of conduct for Finance employees
- A specific code of conduct for the Board of Directors
- A dedicated Conduent Ethics and Compliance Helpline to receive questions and complaints, which is accessible from anywhere in the world at any time, and a strictly enforced ‘no retaliation policy’ to promote comfort in using the Helpline. Please see How to Contact the Conduent Ethics and Compliance Helpline for additional information regarding reporting ethics and compliance concerns.
- An Ethics & Compliance Governance Board comprised of senior executives representing all areas of Conduent business
- Annual distribution of the CEO message on ethics and integrity to all associates
- Code of Business Conduct training required of all associates, including senior management
- An annual ethics certification process that includes all senior managers and officers
The Conduent Ethics and Compliance Program is overseen by the Audit and Risk Committees of the Board of Directors. The Ethics Office reports directly to the General Counsel and Secretary via Conduent’s Global Head, Ethics, with ongoing reporting responsibilities directly to the Audit and Risk Committees. The General Counsel and Secretary reports directly to Conduent’s CEO.