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Automated Invoice Payments powered by Paymode-X®

Bringing speed, security and savings to accounts payable payments

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Faster, more secure B2B payments

Our Automated Invoice Payments solution enables your organization to securely send and receive quick, direct payments with real-time tracking –– eliminating the need for paper checks or updating ACH banking instructions. With these digital AP payments, companies can reduce payment fraud, especially important with an increasing number of bad actors posing as your legitimate vendors to steal payments.

  • Increase efficiency

    Significantly reduce exceptions and processing time

  • Lower costs

    Reduce hard costs up to 60% vs. issuing paper checks

  • Enhance security

    Eliminate need to retain or update bank information for your vendors

Automated Invoice Payments

Enhance efficiency and reduce costs with fast, secure B2B payments.

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Estimated cost of issuing a check for B2B payments
Percent of annual fraud losses for banks associated with B2B checks

How it works

Many organizations still make payments to suppliers using paper checks. But with a simple integration to our Automated Invoice Payments solution, those payments are made digitally by connecting to the Paymode-X® network– the largest B2B electronic network of payers and suppliers. As a user, you gain increased security to combat fraud, increased processing speed and ease of use, touchless vendor onboarding and much more.

Additional benefits for your accounts payable environment

Unifies existing systems and data

Our Automated Invoice Payments solution seamlessly integrates with legacy ERP and accounting systems to increase visibility, continuity and access to important financial data that help your organization make more informed decisions.

Alleviates manual processes

Automated digital B2B payments remove the need to manage disparate vendor payment systems. Accounts payable information is seamlessly authenticated, eliminating the need for follow-up calls to confirm information.

Reduces high costs

Printing and mailing a check can cost as much as $20 per check for some organizations — which can quickly add up to thousands of dollars a year. Digital payments eliminate the need to mail paper checks, reducing costs by at least 60%.

Prevents fraudulent payments

Our solution offers unparalleled fraud protection with vendor bank authentication, payment assurance scoring, and multifactor authentication. Partnering with Paymode-X, the largest B2B electronic payment network, we facilitate over $400 billion in annual fraud-free payments to 550,000+ suppliers.