Discover end-to-end solutions for cost containment and compliance of workers’ compensation and auto casualty
RIMS Risk World 2024 | May 5 – May 8 | San Diego | Booth #831
Meet with Conduent at RIMS
Strategic integration and automation are at the heart of complying with constantly changing fee schedules, provider network agreements and state regulations.
Conduent’s solution, Strataware® optimizes the decision-making across the lifecycle of injury claims to maximize cost containment and improve recovery. It’s your solution to unlocking savings while improving workflow efficiency.
We’re focused on delivering superior outcomes and service, while providing you with the foundational strategies, capabilities and insights to optimize your performance and growth.
Don’t miss this opportunity to meet with our workers’ compensation and auto injury management experts in San Diego during RIMS Risk World 2024, May 5 – May 8, to learn how Strataware can improve your operational processes.
Visit us at Booth #831 to learn why Conduent is the industry-leading solution for workers’ compensation and auto claim medical bill review.
Schedule a meeting online or call 302-563-6210
Visit the conference event page for more information or to register.